Bike of the Month for November
This is BMW's first true sportsbike since the gorgeous R90S of the mid-70's.
Making more horsepower and weighing less than any other oil-head BMW, it is
still a BMW at heart. It's forte is the long ride. Long and very fast. Say
you want to ride from Everett, Washington to the Colville Indian Reservation
in the Okanogan Highlands to go fishing. You will be taking the twisting
North Cascades Highway, barreling across the northern tier of the state, and
then climb the sweeping two-lane backroads to Inchelium. Are you going to
take your 916? I don't think so. Your wrists would be on fire before your
first gas stop, and your ass would have fallen asleep somewhere around Gold
Bar. Are you going to take your Gold Wing or Electra Glide? No way, Skippy!
You'd be a sweaty mess from wrestling your bike around the endless
switchbacks of the North Cascades Highway before you got to the summit above
Lake Ross Dam. No, you want a fast, comfortable, reliable mount with a
strong engine to keep it interesting, and great handling with lots of ground
clearance for playing. Yeah, this is the one.